
By having a RW Central Premium subscription you can unlock special features in RW Enhancer 2.

Theses features are only accessible if you own a Premium account because they cost us some money according to usage of Azure cloud servers used for those specified features.

Thank you for your understanding and thank you for considering to buy a premium subscription in order to help us to support this cost.

Here is a comparison table:

Without Premium With Premium
Train PIS Voices Standard quality SAPI speech voices High quality human like Microsoft Azure speech neural voices
Station PIS Voices Standard quality SAPI speech voices High quality human like Microsoft Azure speech neural voices
Radio PIS Voices Standard quality SAPI speech voices High quality human like Microsoft Azure speech neural voices
Radio Microphone Voice Speech Recognition No Yes
Speech dynamic accent support Yes but limited Yes
Deep learning / voice quality improvements over time No Yes
Male/Female voices selection No Planned
Extended voices style selection No Planned

Here is a list of PIS voices supported languages:

Language Without Premium With Premium
English Yes Yes
French Yes Yes
German Yes Yes
Dutch No Yes

Last but not least, Premium subscribers are greatly helping us to keep RW Enhancer 2 development strong for a long period of time :)

  • core/premiummemberadvantages.txt
  • Last modified: 01/09/2022 19:34
  • by admin