
- Added “BlueprintID” info when hovering on a consist element in the consist viewer
- Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes
- Audio engine various improvements and fixes
- Improved service completion validation system
- Improved UI style with more rounding around buttons, windows…
- Improved UI layout when hovering on a consist element in the consist viewer
- Improved UI layout when hovering on a route station name in the content explorer
- Content Explorer various UI improvements and fixes
- UI various improvements and fixes
- Current scroll state is now retained when switching tabs in content explorer
- Routes stations platforms are now conveniently sorted in the content explorer
- Consists without names (mainly used as AI consist for quickdrive) are no longer displayed in content explorer
- Engines, wagons, scenarios and others element without names are no longer displayed in content explorer
- Fixed content cooker 'Reset' not being possible when cooking was finished or when using 'auto-cooking' mode
- Fixed consist elements not shown (when some assets are missing for example) in the consist viewer
- Various improvements and fixes

- Added 'Speed Limiter' info (AFB…) on HUD speedometer element
- Added 'Tenders' support in content explorer
- Added 'Max Speed' info in 'Train Global Simulation' debug window section
- Vulkan renderer optimizations and fixes
- Tweaked speed limit color on HUD speedometer element
- UI improvements and fixes
- Fixed alphabetical order issues in content explorer
- Various improvements and fixes

- Added new “Show Speed Limiter” setting in HUD settings
- Added “Weather” info when selecting a scenario in drive or content explorer menus
- Added “Weather” scenario filter in drive menu and content explorer
- Added Weather blueprint data cooking support
- Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes
- Settings UI layout refactoring (better alignement and visibility). WIP, more is coming
- Fixed some rolling stock, scenarios and routes data not properly loaded by the content cooking system
- Fixed occasional “Drive” menu sidebar UI flickering issue
- Various improvements and fixes

- Added new “Try to load corrupted TS content” in cooking settings (USE WITH CAUTION or leave it disable if you have some crash issues in the cooking process)
- Fixed a crash in the cooking system

- Fixed routes not being cooked correctly while they were previously available and cooked without issues

- Audio engine improvements and fixes
- Online communication system improvements and fixes
- Vulkan renderer fixes
- Minor improvements and fixes

- Fixed potential cooking process crash added in latest update
- Fixed assets files with special characters (UTF-8) not being cooked correctly

- Azure speech engine improvements and fixes
- Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes
- Minor improvements and fixes

- Added 'Reset Filters' button in 'Drive' menu and 'Content Explorer'
- Improved quickdrive consist selection system
- Scenario completion state can now be forced on or off in 'Drive' menu by clicking on the checkbox icon
- Improved 'Drive' menu quickdrive selection UI
- 'Only Show User Consists' filter setting is now also showing consist created with TS consist editor (and not just consists created with RWE 2 consist editor)
- Audio engine fixes
- Vulkan renderer fixes
- Azure speech engine minor improvements and fixes
- Various minor improvements and fixes

- UI system various improvements and fixes
- UI rendering optimizations
- Added delay system on some UI tooltips
- Vulkan renderer improvements
- Minor improvements and fixes

- Added ability to change TS installation directory in cooking settings
- Improved product/provider listing system in various filters
- Content cooker minor optimizations
- Fixed scenarios sorting issue in 'Drive' menu
- Fixed false positive case with route detection in product directories
- UI core system minor fixes
- Azure speech engine minor fixes
- Online communication system fixes
- Audio engine fixes
- Core display and input systems improvements and fixes
- Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes
- Minor improvements, optimizations and fixes

- Added new 'Show Engine Image' HUD setting for track monitor
- Added new 'Show Track Line' HUD setting for track monitor
- Added new 'Show Signals' HUD setting for track monitor
- Added new 'Show Speed Limits' HUD setting for track monitor
- UI core system improvements and fixes
- Network communication system improvements and fixes
- Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes
- Minor improvements, optimizations and fixes

- Armstrong Powerhouse 'Sky and Weather Enhancement Pack 2.0' support (compatibility patch)
PLEASE NOTE : 'Sky and Weather Enhancement Pack 2.0' reinstallation is recommended if you have launched shaders compilation since the install of 'Sky and Weather Enhancement Pack 2.0' addon

- Various core systems changes in order to prepare future modding/scripting features
- Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes
- Minor optimizations and fixes

- Added more realistic station PIS messages when driving in UK
- Added more realistic onboard PIS messages when driving in UK
- Increased station PIS security/safety/notice messages frequency
- Minor global PIS system improvements for future countries specialization
- Azure speech engine minor improvements and fixes
- Improved legacy shaders restoration process
- UI system improvements and fixes
- Network communication system improvements and fixes
- Core systems improvements and fixes

- Added DX12 experimental Train Simulator version support (You can enable it in 'Train Simulator' settings menu section)
- Minor optimizations and fixes

- Added 'Hide' button in 'Simulation Paused' window in order to hide the window until simulation is resumed (useful when taking screenshots by using the 'Pause' keyboard key)
- Fixed 'Stopped On Tracks' train PIS message being played when performing a load/unload passengers task
- Vulkan renderer fixes
- JSON data parsing system improvements and fixes
- Network communication system improvements and fixes
- Content cooker AP archives (temporary) decompression improvements
- Azure speech engine improvements and fixes
- Images loading improvements
- UI system improvements and fixes
- Input system fixes
- Core systems improvements, optimizations and fixes

- Cooking is no more needed in order to access the 'Settings' menu (shaders, TS settings…)
- UI improvements, optimizations and fixes
- Azure speech engine improvements and fixes
- Network communication system improvements and fixes
- Core systems improvements, optimizations and fixes

- Added ability to filter consists by provider/product in the 'content explorer'
- Vulkan renderer optimizations and fixes
- Azure speech engine improvements and fixes
- Fixed potential crash in consist editor
- UI fixes
- Core systems improvements, optimizations and fixes

- Removed Silverlining 3D sky related enhancements as this is now being improved in the core game itself (in Train Simulator beta branch at the current time)
- UI core optimizations and fixes
- Improved content explorer routes stations list layout
- Station name generation algorithm improvements and optimizations
- Fixed several PIS station name mispronunciation issues (Junction, Street/Saint…)
- Fixed a rare HUD rendering crash
- Core systems improvements, optimizations and fixes

- Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes (If TS does not start when vulkan renderer is enabled, please update your GPU drivers to the latest version)
- Improved French voice style (more neutral) for station and onboard PIS systems (Azure speech engine only)
- Azure speech engine improvements and fixes
- SAPI speech engine optimizations and cache size improvements
- PIS systems core improvements in order to prepare the upcoming German PIS refactoring
- Core systems improvements, optimizations and fixes

- Audio engine core improvements, optimizations and fixes
- Audio engine hardware compatibility improvements and fixes
- Fixed audio engine wrong logged version issue
- Fixed audio engine rare crashes
- UI system improvements, optimizations and fixes
- Network communication system improvements and fixes
- Core systems improvements, optimizations and fixes

- Vulkan renderer improvements and fixes
- Network communication system improvements and fixes
- Updated SSL protocol from 1.1.x version to 3.x version
- Input handling improvements and fixes
- Display/Window hardware compatibility fixes
- UI internal optimizations and fixes
- Images loading/resizing optimizations
- Core systems improvements, optimizations and fixes

  • core/changelog0.8.txt
  • Last modified: 21/04/2024 12:56
  • by admin